I'm looking for ideas and wondering to my friends, one of my friends who can help me is google haha Okay now let's learn together about how to download videos from facebook. Once you know it you can directly share this knowledge with your friends-park, so they no longer trouble. Here's the full explanation.
How to Quickly Download Videos on Facebook
Maybe from friends who have the same problems with me, it might help to ease the burden on the shoulders of my friends. here I will explain at a glance how to download video on facebook without software. Happy reading. check it..Its steps are as follows:
- Log in to your facebook
- Click the video you want to download
- Change the URL facebook into the mobile version how? It's easy to follow the explanation, for example: the original video URL like this http://www.facebook.com/storyblablablablabla now replace with http://m.facebook.com/storyblablablablabla essence: just add the letter "m." in front of facebook writing (so changed to mobile version)
- After all the preparations have finished playing the video.
- Then right click on the video, usually there is writing to download video (Save video as ...) or automatically video file will be downloaded.
Note: If it can not download and you have IDM (Internet Download Manager) please use your IDM. how easy to live right click video, copy video URL and paste in IDM. Done, the process of downloading video from facebook without software has been done. now just waiting for the download process is finished.
Additional info:
files that can be downloaded not only video only, but also audio-shaped files can (songs, recordings)
Maybe that's what I can say in this blog article, hopefully this article on how to download videos from facebook can be useful for my friends and for me in particular. to ask about any issues with me please leave a comment on this blog by writing it in the comment field.
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Hopefully every trick that we get here can be a useful science. Last word good live a beautiful day, back again yes and wait for updated info from us. always successful greetings.
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